Unrequited Love- The Aftermath

Didn’t Like Me Back.

4 min readDec 2, 2021

Who hasn’t seen or felt this before? Whether you’re a male or a female, you can’t escape it, either you’ve been heartbroken or know of someone who has. The occurrence, or feeling, of liking someone a little too much, only to find that they didn’t feel the same way, it’s called unrequited love.

burning heart
Photo by Fadi

Unrequited love is defined as, “strong romantic feelings towards someone…that is not returned.” (VWM)

If you know someone going through this right now, please send this article to them :)

Fallen in Love- Literally.

ice skating
Photo by M Fournier

Unrequited love can be difficult to swallow. It’s like gliding through the city on your inline skates, with great speed and agility until suddenly, you trip on a rock and take a tumble. The anticipation, excitement, dopamine and adrenaline all build up sky high, before taking a sharp decline into the realms of humiliation. With this analogy with respect to the object of your unrequited love, you plan a definitive future with them, whether practically or imaginatively. You recount all the memories and times you have enjoyed their company, hoping it will lead to a lifetime with them. In addition, you swoon over the commonalities you had, you idealized them and really believed that they were your soulmate. But they said or implied one word:


That’s unrequited love. For some, it can feel, quite frankly, like this emoji… 💩

You feel like a waste. Essentially, you’ve wasted your time and energy, and emotions on someone who gives you zero reciprocity.

That sucks.

I’m sorry if this is you. And I have to tell you, it’s going to be OK, believe me.

man crying
Photo by Tom P

What Unrequited Love Actually Means

Once you’ve addressed your own emotions, the pain, the hurt, the humiliation, you can start healing (seems dramatic but it’s not, because you have to acknowledge how you feel in order to learn lessons). You are a human being, you have feelings. It’s fine. After that, take the microscope off yourself and put it on your rejector. Indeed, you would never know their true reason for saying no, unless they outright told you. Perhaps it’s better not to press for a reason either for every instance, you never know, their reason may be really personal.

Harness empathy, for your rejector, may have been battling a mental health issue or facing a difficult life situation, having financial trouble, or perhaps healing from a rejection themselves. You just don’t and won’t know. Although truthfully, rejection can easily be taken personally and you may assume the person just didn’t like you, or that they found you unattractive and thus, couldn’t see a future with you. Undoubtedly, people are complicated. You simply cannot control someone else’s feelings for you or lack thereof. Likewise, someone else cannot control your interest or disinterest in them. Maybe you’ve done your fair share of rejecting. You can’t force love. Hey, that’s life, sometimes it’s a little complicated. Accept that what was not meant for you will never be, and what was written for you will definitely come to pass. It takes patience, but it’s worth the wait.

The Aftermath.

To conclude, the next time your feelings weren't reciprocated, remember this: you see food, you like food, you buy it and eat it. It tastes good for a few moments. Then, it takes a journey through you. Some of the food is absorbed by your body, the rest of it is not. The not-so-great bits will be felt in your guts, so do you know where you’re heading? That’s right, the toilet. After bad business, no normal human being stands there staring at the toilet bowl, wishing the waste would become worthy. Just flush it.

toilet roll
Photo by Mike M

Unrequited love is essentially three words…

  1. You
  2. Deserve
  3. Better

Move on.

Only For The One.




Writer with a greater purpose… OnlyForTheOne {new books to be released} | twitter.com/onlyfortheone1